Job Embedded Coaching | CCSS Math Resources for K-5
Building high impact teaching and leadership practices to
transform student achievement.
Southern Cross Consultancy is a customized education consulting firm, specializing in whole school improvement, differentiated job embedded coaching and free online classroom resources. Our mission is to build high impact teaching and leadership practices to transform student achievement.
Our consultants work with your K-12 school teams, individual teachers and leaders to collaboratively analyze data, facilitate the design of individualized professional learning solutions tailored specifically to the needs of your school, establish goals and action plans and monitor their implementation. This is achieved with a strong emphasis on working collaboratively in a coaching role to ensure effective refining of pedagogy and leadership skills.
Southern Cross Consultancy have developed a range of Math resources and games aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Our K-5 collections include free resources ready to download and use in your classroom. The premium resource collections contain over 100 exciting and practical hands-on games, Math centers and activities. Trialled in multiple classrooms over the last ten plus years, these resources have been developed by our expert Math consultants specifically for teachers in supporting students to learn the Standards in a fun, interactive and engaging way. The "I Can" format ensures student-friendly instructions, reinforcing student independence.