- 1NBT2
- 2NBT1
This place value games set has been strategically designed to develop solid number sense understandings of place value concepts.
They are organized into three main stages, based on utilizing the most concrete materials to the most abstract.
Phase 1: Use of Multilink or unifix cubes with a ten frame to build the notion of unitizing- making bundles of ten. Students begin to see one group of ten and some singles/ones left over.
The progression of games within this first stage includes:
- Games to 20
- Games to 40
- Games to 50
- Games to 90
Phase 2: Use of popsicle sticks and rubber bands. These games continue to build the notion of unitizing but with semi-abstract materials of popsicle sticks and rubber bands within a blank frame
The progression of games within this first stage includes:
- Games to 50
- Games to 90
- Games to 100 (bridging to three digit number)
Phase 3: Use of Trading Game to build solid foundations of place value and relationship to addition and subtraction algorithm. These games build on the previous games through using firstly semi-structured materials as in popsicle sticks and moving onto more abstract materials of Base Ten blocks. Two parts of this stage include firstly the use of popsicle sticks and secondly the use of Base Ten materials, both being used with the trading game.
The progression of games within this stage includes:
- Tens and Ones Trading Game - using popsicle sticks
- Tens and Ones Trading Game - using Base Ten materials
- Hundreds, Tens and Ones Trading Game - using popsicle sticks
- Hundreds, Tens and Ones Trading Game - using Base Ten materials